Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.
Predators' Mutual Admiration Society
Why do we keep predator pets, taking canines, felines, raptors, vipers, fish with fangs, poisonous amphibians, six-legged arthropods, eight-legged arachnids, and so on into our homes to admire, cuddle, and even cherish?
Perhaps we see ourselves in our predator pets, or see ourselves as we would like to be. Some are tiny and deadly, but seem somehow cute. Other animals are so wild, so powerful, and huge that we keep them in maximum security zoos, where we thrill to see them.
But how do our pets feel about us, love us, leave us, or kill all?
See: Teresa Brewer - "Mutual Admiration Society" (1956)
Achilles Watching Cat-TV
by Annmarie Throckmorton, copyright 2024