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I Remember Manly Men

Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

I remember when men used to demonstrate their physical prowess by tearing a telephone book in half ... which is something almost no woman has ever had the upper body strength to do, including myself long ago when I was flush with my full strength as a healthy young woman and gave it a go only to fail hilariously with not much more than the cardboard cover torn.  Party on!


First the macho man who felt called upon to perform the feat would flex and preen to gather attention to himself, then he would fan out the pages of a two inch thick phone book to achieve necessary psi sheer across the pages of the phone book as he pulled it apart and let it rip.  What a glorious man!

Well, now that we do not have very many phone books anymore, what party tricks do manly men do?


Historical Perspective:  (Phone books used to be important, to rip one in half was a sort of rebellious statement.)


internet sourced phone book torn in half

non-commercial use 2024



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