Rush Limbaugh Nazifies Feminists And Takes Down Civilization.
Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.
As my Avatar AdroitWaterBear I posted three messages to Sargon of Akkad's channel, and to the man pretending to be "The World's Strongest Woman | Zuby Interview, 08-07-19.
Sargon of Akkad blocked the two stronger messages, but left the third one because women in fits fits his narrative:
Caption: Rush Limbaugh Takes Down Civilization
With His Nazification Of Feminists By 2019-two screen captures.


Caption: Yet Another Man Pretending To Be A Woman
And Doing A Bad Job Of It In 2019-screen capture of Zuby.

Caption: Sargon of Akkad Seems Like A Big Fan Of Rush Limbaugh
While Interviewing A Man Pretending To Be A Woman.