Each One Boxed And Encircled
I enjoy creating illustrations for inthetide.com. Especially when I begin working on an abstraction, I am very curious to see how it will turn out. I like my work very much and, of course, I hope others like it as well.
Yesterday I was thinking deep and heavy thoughts about boundaries; physical boundaries like the property line dispute I have been sucked into, interpersonal boundaries like the kind I maintain against dangerous people to keep myself safe and happy, and societal boundaries like the little social cubicles within which most of us live out our lives, unable to have any impact whatsoever on the powers that be, many of whom appear to be vile in the most awful senses. Yet most of us are safe enough, if we do not step out of bounds.
Caption: Each One Boxed And Encircled For Better And Worse
by Annmarie Throckmorton 2019