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  • Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

Nine Questions

What is your bliss? ─ Seeing someone enjoy my gifts.

Why are you here on Earth? ─ To understand and help wherever and whomever I can.

What is a kindness you recall? ─ When people of all sorts offer to help old me lift things when I shop, people of all ages, colors, and walks of life. They are endearing.

What is one of your talents? ─ Being able to articulate my perceptions.

Who is someone you can always count on? ─ Myself.

What vacation would you like to return to? ─ Without a doubt, my mystical home of Norway.

What is your favorite time of day? ─ Early morning, I enjoy seeing and hearing the day start, when people begin to move about with purpose.

In what way have you changed the most? ─ I now understand that I must expect less of other people, and of myself, as we are merely human.

What is the hardest thing for you to do? ─ To give up, and I will persevere until the very last.

Caption: What One Has Embossed On Life, by Annmarie Throckmorton 2018.

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