- Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.
Mundane Monolith
Each day I am caught up against a large and impersonal structure of daily chores; cooking, cleaning, reading dreadful world news emails, emotional self-maintenance after reading said news, usually reading a variety of books, amusing myself with online games or social media. I try also to do few errands here and there along the day. But I almost always fail to move forward, almost always I am unable to attend to those infinitely more essential life tasks that circumstances of God's will have set before me. I fear that I cannot do achieve my life alone, and I can find no one to help me.
An immediate burden is worry over Maine's anticipated power outages again tonight and into tomorrow. What is wrong with Maine that it cannot even dependably supply heat, light, and communication?
Mundane Monolith Impedes Me
by Annmarie Throckmorton, copyright 2023
Central Maine Power Outages Did Not Yet Manifest This Afternoon
(only slight, on-and-off rainy drizzle)
screencapture of email notice on 12-11-2023