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Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

Death Of A Serial Rapist (1942 - 2021)

Paul Even Ostlund Obituary (1942 - 2021) - St. Joseph, MN - St. Cloud Times

Paul Even Ostlund raped me when I was a twenty-year old virgin, and so I moved far away.  When I was in my thirties he found me, raped me, and kidnapped me with a gun, driving upstate while telling me that he was going to kill me; and so I moved even further away, to the other side of the country.  After that he telephoned me for decades, somehow managing to get around the blocks I had the phone company put on his calls.  When he learned to use the internet he posted photographs of himself on my Facebook page and he used emailing services to email me photographs of half-naked women.  He did all of this for reasons I cannot begin to fathom.  He was a violent, mentally ill man who bragged to me that he raped other women too.  He forced me to watch pornography that he had filmed of himself raping women.  Too bad it took him so long to pass away, he spoiled so much of my life.


After forty years, I finally felt strong enough to report him to the authorities, which I did two years in a row, in the hopes of saving other women from his assaults:



DATE:            02-26-18


TO:                  David Bentrud, Chief of Police

                        19 13th Avenue North

                        Waite Park, MN 56387

                        (320) 251-3281


FROM:            Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

                       (address & phone)


RE:                  If you have a database for dangerous, crazy people,

                        then I recommend that you add this dangerous, crazy old man:


                        Paul Even Ostlund

                        Waite Park, MN

                        Age 75


Fifty years ago Paul Even Ostlund raped me when I was a virgin (I did not know him at the time-he worked where I worked at Motorola in Bloomington, MN), after that he would not leave me alone.  When I moved across the state to get away from him, he broke into my former apartment and raped my best girlfriend, and then he broke into my new house and abducted me at gunpoint and drove me up into the north woods to shoot me, but he got too drunk to do it.  I moved to the other side of the country and I have avoided him for fifty years, until now.


In 2017 he contacted me again.  I told him I would report him to the police if he did not stop calling me, texting me, and sending me pictures of random women.  I am afraid of this guy.  I want zero contact with him, he is dangerous.  I tried to put him off nicely, I tried warning him that I would contact the police, but nothing works.  I fear for my safety, and he is enjoying that.


I have blocked every new phone number he uses to contact me, I have blocked every new email he uses to contact me, I have blocked him on social media.  I am contacting you, BECAUSE IF HE DOES THIS TO ME, HE IS CERTAINLY DOING IT TO OTHER WOMEN.


Fifty years ago Paul Ostlund was a flaming racist, so his emailing me this provocative image today is odd.  I would consider him a suspect in any open rape cases that you have in your database.


Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.



DATE:            07-28-19


TO:                  David Bentrud, Chief of Police

                        19 13th Avenue North

                        Waite Park, MN 56387

                        (320) 251-3281


FROM:            Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

                        (address & phone)


RE:                  If you have a database for dangerous, crazy people,

                        then I recommend that you add this dangerous, crazy old man:


                        Paul Even Ostlund

                        Waite Park, MN

                        Age 76


Fifty years ago Paul Even Ostlund raped me when I was a virgin, see my previous letter to you (enclosed).  Since 2017 this violent, crazy man has begun phoning and emailing me.  I have blocked every message I have received from him.


I am contacting you, BECAUSE IF HE DOES THIS TO ME, HE IS CERTAINLY DOING IT TO OTHER WOMEN.  I would consider him a suspect in any open rape cases that you have in your database.


His email to me this Sunday morning is intended to mock and threaten me.  Please do whatever you can to protect me.  I fear he will come find me.

Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.


Death Of A Serial Rapist collage by Annmarie Throckmorton, copyright 2024

I blocked Paul Ostlund but he still appears on my Facebook page on 10-06-19

Paul Ostlund Shared This Photo With You 02-26-18

Paul Ostlund emailed me another woman in underwear on 07-28-19

Paul Ostlund emailed me his photograph on 01-31-19

 (Paul Ostlund also cried when he told me that his commanding officer, whom he had greatly admire, sodomized him.)







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