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Bass Ackward

Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

I called my primary care physician's office to cancel two appointments this week.  I cancelled an office appointment to Shave Biopsy a 1/8th inch wart on dorsal side of my left wrist, where the skin is very thin.  This is not a good place to "shave" off part of an abnormal growth, I fear it would open a deep wound involving the veins and tendons that are so close to the skin surface there.  I prefer to remove this very small growth gradually with over-the-counter wart medication, as I have done with so many growths that were just like it over the years.  I do not think that it is skin basal cell carcinoma.  It is dry, dull in color, and already looks like it is ready to fall off.


I also cancelled my appointment at Nuclear Medicine at Maine General Medical Center, which is always a chilly place both literally and figuratively, for a Myocardial Perfusion Chem.  That procedure is where they would inject me with chemical(s) that, from my prior experience with it, would make my heart flop around in my chest like a dying rabbit; and then they try to force me to run on a treadmill!  I can barely walk across my living room for vertigo, I simply cannot run on a treadmill.


When I cancelled my appointments I was again was struck by the reversed-aspect of the hospital scheduler who canceled my appointments.  As in prior calls, he was disinterested, even gruff when greeting me on the phone, and then he was inexplicably cheerful when canceling my appointments.  It should be the reverse, medical staff should be cheerful and welcoming when greeting patients, and they should display some sort of regret when the patient cancels medical care.  He expressed no regret and he made no offer to reschedule me.  His bass ackward (ass backward juxtaposed) interactive style backed him in an unfriendly corner from which I was unable to pull him into a pleasant interaction.


I do not believe that medical professional cares any more, if they ever did care.  Especially after the two-year COVID global lockdown in which many medical professionals sat at home with full pay, some even with supplemental pay so that they made money on it.  Going back to work seems to be an annoyance for them.  Sad for them, and difficult for me.


Bass Ackward Into An Unfriendly Corner

by Annmarie Throckmorton, copyright 2024



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