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My Sister’s Habit Of Betrayal

Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

Before she shunned me my younger sister Carla intercepted and ruined at least three significant events in my life, that I know about.

She told me that she and her fiancé Bob had not sent out wedding invitations, but that her wedding and reception would be at our paternal grandmother's apartment at such and such time. That seemed strange to me but I knew Carla was stressed and unhappy for reasons of her own so I did not question it and I arrived at the time Carla had told me. As I came in everyone else was coming out, it was completely over. Someone captured this photograph of my confusion and sadness.

Carla and I were both briefly living in our parents' home during our early adulthood when she again betrayed me for a significant event, . Carla must have intercepted the wedding invitation card sent to me by my best friend in high school because Carla said that she had taken a phone call for me, and that my friend's wedding was to be the next day and Carla gave me vague and confusing directions to a church out in the countryside. I arrived dressed nicely but again the wedding and reception was over, only some women in the church kitchen remained. They laughed unkindly and offered to let me help them clean out the pots and pans from the wedding luncheon. I was too embarrassed to see my friend again, and I never called her to hear about her new life as a married woman.

I should not have trusted my sister Carla to give me true information about those weddings as Carla had sent me to my high school graduation a day late. When I arrived at the high school auditorium I saw discarded gowns and miter hats piled up in a corned, but I had missed out. The only person that I saw in the building was the janitor who thought that I was dim witted and let me know it.

When confronted about her behavior or questioned about her motives, my sister Carla only laughed strangely or became physically charged with anger so I supposed that I did not talk to her about her habit of betrayal. Carla's habit of betraying me was too deep within her, too long a persisting issue...

Caption: I Was Late To My Sister Carla And Bob's Wedding

photograph of Annmarie Throckmorton 1976

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