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Pond Turtles And Dragonflies

Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

When I created this ten-panel screen for my home, to shelter my meditation and prayer alcove, the art class instructor brought the program director in to see my work. They sat and watched me work for a while, whispering and smiling to themselves. Then they told me not to mention it to anyone, but I could come to any and all art classes at the Columbus Ohio Armory, tuition-free. I took several art classes there, before life moved me away.

Caption: Pond Turtles And Dragonflies

10 panel screen by Annmarie Throckmorton 1990

(It sheltered my meditation and prayer alcove.)

Caption: Annmarie Throckmorton creating

Pond Turtles And Dragonflies


Caption: Turtle study for Pond Turtles And Dragonflies

by Annmarie Throckmorton 1990

Caption: Columbus Ohio Armory-sourced via

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