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Bug Out Bag

Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

Recently I put together a bug out bag, which I did not do before because what bug out bag will help you if you have two elderly parents for whom to provide, one with dementia and diapers, the other with only one leg? It has been over a year since my parents passed, so it is now time to prepare my own bug out bag. I am more likely to need it in Seattle, Washington (where I plan to move) than Bloomington, Illinois (where I currently reside), but I inherited a suitable bag from my mother, so why not prepare it? I have been watching the nightly live earthquake forecast at Dutchsinse always admonishes his viewers to not be afraid, be prepared. And, I recently read Jerry D. Young’s Survival Fiction Library, Book Nine: What If? Finally, a decent survival story with no ridiculous global plague, no icky fake zombies, and no nonsense; where couples marry when the time is right, form reasonable friendships between families, are decisive with evil-doers, and do clever resource salvaging. This excellent, entertaining book shows how to reboot a country.

Bug Out Bag à la Annmarie Throckmorton

(bandolier style bag, one season fits all, to keep weight manageable)

Bag’s Front Pocket.

index card with contact info, copy of photo ID

2 hair ties

2 hankies

2 bandanas (1 wildlife scat ID, 1 wildlife footprint ID)

diet supplements (one week supply, including Emergen-C 1,000 mg Vitamin C (one week supply)

Bag’s Strap Pocket.

spare keys, $

Bag’s Bottom Pocket.

(none of your business)

Change Of Clothing. (Lightweight, but still very bulky. Most purchased new on sale!)

1 cotton sweatshirt

1 cotton sweatpants

2 cotton tee shirts

2 cotton under tee shirts

2 cotton under pants

2 pairs wool socks

lightweight tennis shoes

New Purchases For Disaster Preparedness.

(Total: $55.90 and well worth it!)

First Aid Only All-purpose First Aid Kit

(Soft Case with Zipper, 299-Piece Kit by First Aid Only, 9-1/4"x7-1/2"x2-7/8")

(My old kit was somewhat used up, now I have new medical supplies for the last of old me.)

LifeStraw (LSPHF017, Personal Water Filter for Hiking, Camping, Travel, and Emergency Preparedness)

Survival Spark Magnesium Survival Fire Starter on Lanyard, with Compass and Whistle

Potable Aqua Water Purification Treatment (50 Tablets)

styptic pencil ("Stops bleeding fast, seals skin surface...")


flashlight (cheap & light-weight)

assorted plastic bags (5 gallon to 5 oz)

needles and thread

medium sized camping knife in sheath (I put it in my car trunk emergency bin twenty years ago and only the blade needed a little polishing.)

10" claw pry bar (which I inherited from my father, who inherited it from his mother)

(This pry bar will help me either in or out if my property is obstructed.)

minimal fishing kit (a length of fishing line & a couple of hooks are all I would need, I can cast off any fresh stick with spring in it. Not that this old body is capable of walking to where there are fish, but I would give it my best try.)

cord. (Parachute cord is not necessary as realistically my survival expectancy is short, so ordinary cord will probably outlast me or any task I need it for.)

dental floss no duct tape (Every man has duct tape, to find duct tape find a man—I’ll need men for everything else anyway.)

Food And Water.

3 cans garlic yellowfin tuna in olive oil (pull-tabs, in separate, small shoulder strap food pouch knotted to bug out bag)

(Bag is already heavy, and no room left = no food. I am too old to carry heavy food, which does not bode well for me.)

Silver Buffalo thermos (20.29 oz, stainless steel)


(Keep it next to guest bathroom for shelter-in-place (tornado) or grab-and-go to street (fire/severe earthquake could topple my brick house.)

Grab As I Go.

Grundig hand crank weather radio bag (It is old and heavy but I am not going far. Someone will probably steal it from me as I am packing no weapon other than small taser which will be worthless when its charge runs out. Most likely scenario is that I give the radio to a shelter.)

Bedside Tote (Grooming tools and other comfort items to be dumped into bug out bag at time of event.)

purse (Actually it is a small backpack, although I still have half a dozen pretty purses for special occasions, and dance shoes.)

coat (gloves are already in pockets)


wool blankets

Open garage door as I go, so that if car survives I can use it.

(Car has very low mileage, is well maintained, with key-ignition which gives it protection from EMPs. I can only hope that no one steals it.)

Be Comfortable because although I have no great expectations, in the unlikely event of a disaster I just want to be a little bit comfortable, watered, and warm. I will help whomever I can.

GRAB LIST—clipped to bug out bag.

bedside tote


coat and gloves


wool blankets

radio bag

Open garage door as I go.

My electronic backups have been in a Faraday cage for many years.

Caption: 10” claw pry bar,

which I inherited from my father, who inherited it from his mother.

This pry bar will help me either in or out if my property is obstructed.

Caption: Fresh medical supplies for bug out bag, 2018.


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