my Haflinger classic slippers of boiled wool
This year at age fifteen, Margaret Cat developed a new endearing habit of putting her paws into my Haflinger classic slippers of boiled wool. I love those slippers. She too appears to luxuriate in the warm, cozy comfort therein. This perhaps includes the cat pleasure of keeping me out of them. Like other indulgent pet owners, I wanted a photograph of this but she eluded my attempts for months. Then yesterday, when I took a break from a miserable marathon of writing and eFiling motions for my late father’s nursing home personal injury lawsuit, there in the living room was Margaret Cat with her paws in my slippers. She was determined to possess them even when I snuck up with a camera, so I captured the image. It was a nice reward for a lousy day well done.

Caption: Margaret Cat Tries On My Slippers by Annmarie Throckmorton, 2017.