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Belligerent Emails

Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.

Candy Favorites—candies as received by Throckmorton on 11-20-20.

I ordered Christmas candy online last year and Ugh!, that was a mistake. I had planned to both enjoy it and give it away as gifts in passing. Who doesn't like old fashioned Christmas hard candies? My grandmother used to set out an assortment of hard candies in vintage cut-glass candy dishes. I inherited those pretty candy dishes and this would be the first time that I used them.

But. The crazy vendor, Candy Favorites, shipped the candies to me in bulk, without wrappers, in large plastic bags secured only with unhygienic twist ties. The raspberry sweets were all stuck together in a single mass, by exposure to moisture? Only one candy arrived sealed in the original manufacturer's 6 oz bags, Arnold's Arnold's Wintergreen Puffs 6 oz. Bag, exactly as I had expected the entire order to be, and I was happy to keep it. But the rest of the candies were unsanitary and unacceptable. What if those unwrapped candies went through a facility recently sprayed for rodents or insects, and the vapors seeped under the twist ties? No, unacceptable.

The following are the unedited emails to and fro as I worked to recover the cost of the inedible candies.

Note to self: never use this company again—the shipping box was packed with crumbly, 1960s style styrofoam peanuts, and these candies are cheaper and safer ordered direct from original candy manufacturers. 4/5 of these candy tasted foul.

Also note, Mr. Jon H.PRINCE, President, sent me several more emails that I sent to him, so perhaps he was responding to queries from Chase Bank, the issuer of the credit card that I used in this ill-fated transaction.


11-25-20 email from Jon H.PRINCE, President,

As you have already disputed the charge, please discard the product as the credit card company will issue you credit. The communiques and dialogue is not worth the effort. This transaction is quite sad on many levels and we would ask that you do not order from our company again. Please confirm this email. Have a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.

All Best




11-25-20 "I will not be responding to any of your further emails and let me be forthright if you do not pay for your order or engage in any activity slanderous or untruthful, we will activity protect our interests." - Jon H.PRINCE, President,

"All the best, Jon"

11-25-20 email from Jon H.PRINCE, President,

If you wish to send the product back at your expense, we will issue you a credit less a 20% restocking fee as a one time courtesy.

This goes against the stated policy in our returns section but we will be flexible if only because it is fair to all parties.

Our shipping address is:

1101 Fifth Avenue

McKeesport, PA 15132

Upon receipt, we will issue credit accordingly

All Best



11-25-20 email from Jon H.PRINCE, President,

This is really getting tedious and, again, discourteous if only because you claims are factually incorrect and erroneous. Your illustration is correct in description but, again, you are failing to recognize that the product you ordered is exactly as shown on

Please note:

The red raspberries are an unwrapped candy as advertised as such on our website.

This is the product you ordered:

The Christmas candy is also an unwrapped product. It is advertised on the website as such.

This is the product you received which specifically states, “ours is packed in 5 pound bags.”

Wedo repackage our goods and use a twist tie. As I told you in your last email, our warehouse is regularly inspected by the department of health.

There’s absolutely nothing unhygienic about the product that you received and we discuss this, as illustrated in a prior email, in our Returns Section.

To refresh your memory:

“We reserve the right to repackage bulk items and, as such, a product may not be in the original manufacturer's packaging.”

There is absolutely no issue with the packing box - it is from Brachs used to hold candy that was repackaged - as we reuse boxes for shipping. It’s both efficient and environmentally sensitive.

I reviewed phone logs and spoke to our phone staff and none told you we only sell products “Made in America.” Perhaps it was another company you spoke to as we have no employee named Jaz and none would make a such a claim.

Bottom line is that you have buyers remorse - which we are truly sorry for - and are looking for problems which don’t exist. The product received was the product ordered and the order was fulfilled under all policies stated.

I will not be responding to any of your further emails and let me be forthright if you do not pay for your order or engage in any activity slanderous or untruthful, we will activity protect our interests.

Here’s wishing you a happy and healthy Thanksgiving.




11-25-20 forwarded email to

RE forward of email received by Throckmorton from Candy Favorites' president Jon H. PRINCE

11-25-20 email to

Image is attached for your review.

11-25-20 onsite upload to

TO: Pennsylvania Department of Health's State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) (I never received a reply.)

COPY: to, Chase VISA disputes

RE: potential food hazard and fraud by, 1101 Fifth Avenue, McKeesport, PA, 412-346-0151 15132 |

I have the following three complaints regarding Candy Favorites' (1) unpleasant, and (2) unhygienic candy, and (3) emails to me with threats of litigation from Candy Favorites' president Jon H. PRINCE. I want to return this defective candy (4 out of 5 items) and then get a refund. On 11-17-20, I placed an online order to Candy Favorites for $104.25 worth of candy. I placed this order in good faith that the candy would be tasty and hygienic, especially as I took the precaution of first calling Candy Favorites on that same day at 412-678-8851, and I spoke to someone who identified herself as "Jaz". I went through each of the 5 items I wanted to purchase with Jaz and she answered my questions about each one. It was only after Jaz assured me that "all of our candy is made in the United States", and that each of the 5 items was manufactured by either the established, reputable companies of either Arnold's or Primrose Candies, that I made the purchase from Candy Favorites.

On 11-20-20 I received the candies from Candy Favorites and I found that 4 of the 5 items that I ordered were neither tasty nor, in two cases, hygienic. Only one of the items was identified by packaging as Arnold's candy, the rest were labeled as from McKeesport Candy Co. which I understand to be another distributing company so their ultimate source is unknown and therefore dubious. Specific problems were as follows:

Note: McKeesport Candy Co. is a bulk candy handling company which Candy Favorites probably uses to hide the fact that they are selling candy made in China or somewhere else that is substandard. McKeesport Candy Co.'s candy tastes substandard, it is inedible.

Item #1975, Mylar Wrapped Fruit Flashers - 5 lb. $28.57

It is sourced from bulk candy handler McKeesport Candy Co. = tastes terrible, chemical-favor

Item #9312 - Filled Red Raspberry, 5# $26.75

Jaz told me that it is Primrose Candy brand, but it is sourced from McKeesport Candy Co. = taste is not good, candy is dusty with broken crumbs.

Item #1465 - Old Fashion Christmas Candy Mix - 5 lb. $22.47

Jaz told me that it is Primrose Candy brand, but it is sourced from McKeesport Candy Co. = but taste is not good, candy is dusty with broken crumbs.

Item #45064 Peppermint Puffs 4 oz. Peg Bags - 6 / Box, $10.91

Jaz told me that it is Arnold's Candy brand, but it is sourced from McKeesport Candy Co. = this low-grade candy nothing like Arnold's.

When I emailed Candy Favorites requesting to return the 4 unacceptable candies for refund, Jon H. PRINCE, President of emailed several threats to me, claimed that I insulted him in various ways and he copied his legal department on each of those email (which are available upon request). I do not know Mr. PRINCE, I only want to return the defective candy and receive a proper refund from Candy Favorites. And now I want to alert Pennsylvania to the possibility of fraud and sale of hazardous foods within your commonwealth.

text on photo

Candy Favorites appears to have reused a Brach's candy box=unhygienic.

Item #9312 - Filled Red Raspberry have no wrappers, open plastic bag with twist tie=unhygienic.

Item #1465 - Old Fashion Christmas Candy Mix have no wrappers, open plastic bag with twist tie=unhygienic.


Candy Favorites-candy as received by Throckmorton on 11-20-20 TEXT.jpg

Candy Favorites PACKLIST 5 items arrived 11-20-20.jpg

11-25-20 my response to "Google Customer Review" email.

Item #9312 - Filled Red Raspberry and Item #1465 - Old Fashion Christmas Candy Mix arrived at my home with no wrappers, just dumped unwrapped into a plastic bag tied with a twist tie and sent by US Postal Service in another company's box (reused?) = very unhygienic and too much candy dust to make nice presentation. The owner threatened me with legal action (copied his legal department) when I emailed Candy Favorites requesting to return for refund. Scary.

11-23-20 3rd email from

Re Re: You ship your food products unwrapped, in unsealed plastic bags, which is an additional food hazard. Photos available. Re: General Website Contact Request -- request return label

To: You;;

Again, we specifically address the fact that we repackage bulk Candy and that it may not be in original packaging. Some of the candy wasn't in any packaging, the unwrapped candies were just dumped into a large plastic bag tied with a loose twist tie.

As said repeatedly, the products you received are as displayed on our site and sold according to the Terms and Conditons that YOU accepted when you placed your order

Everything is packaged in a facility that is certified by the Department of Health hence there is no food hazard.

As a courtesy , if you wish to send back at YOUR expense, we will issue a credit, less a 20 percent restocking fee.

This is really tedious and very discourteous.

By the way, I would really appreciate if you could show me on our website where it states that all of our products are made in the USA. I am truly curious.

Please see below:

We are an independent wholesaler and not a manufacturer and have no control over formula, packaging or product changes. We strive to provide accurate product information and images but it is not uncommon for a formula or packaging to change without the manufacturer's notice. We reserve the right to repackage bulk items and, as such, a product may not be in the original manufacturer's packaging.



11-23-20 2nd email from Jon H.PRINCE <>

RE Re: General Website Contact Request -- request return label

By the way, McKeesport Candy Co., produces no product and is the oldest wholesale Candy company in the nation.

All products shipped from comes from McKeesport Candy Co. as that is the fulfillment arm of

Again, we don’t manufacture anything and the product you received came directly from the brands mentioned - Primrose, Arnold’s, et al. - processed through our wholesale candy.

I own both companies and, honestly, find your accusations and ramblings offensive and potentially slanderous.

Let me be forthright that we will protect our brand reputation should anything non factual be said about our company or the brands we represent.

If you do not pay for your product, we will address that as well.

Lastly, we have no one that works for us named Jaz. Perhaps get your facts straight before you “attack” a company with your wholly inaccurate statements and made up claims.

It’s just wrong....



My reply

You ship your food products unwrapped, in unsealed plastic bags, which is an additional food hazard. Photos available.

11-23-20 email from Jon Prince I did not reply as I was thinking about it, and then got the above second email from him about an hour later.


RE General Website Contact Request -- request return label


We make NO promise, implicit or implied, that all of our products are “Made in the USA” and none of our phone support staff would make such a claim as they have been instructed, when asked, to let customers know that we have no control over where a product is manufactured.

As a matter of fact, very few manufacturers produce candy in the USA. We will not be able to issue a credit for a product that doesn’t meet your “personal” expectations or your definition of a “reputable” company. For that matter, I am curious how you can determine who or what is a “reputable” company? Your claim, or, in this case, proclamation, is purely nebulous.

We in NO way , shape, or form hide the fact that we sell products made in China or Mexico and to make such a claim is factually inaccurate and could be misconstrued as slanderous.

All of our products are factory fresh. We do repackage products – this is stated in our returns policy accepted when you placed your order online- and all of your products were inspected before release and were as advertised on

We will not issue a refund, and should you decide not to pay for your products, we will follow up appropriately. I would advise you on further transactions to not make assumptions, which is precisely what has happened with this order.



11-23-20 Candy Favorites called me from 412-346-0151, but left no message.

11-20-20 email to email did not work,

so I posted the following on their website message section.

RE request return label for Order #1000309800 - Sales

Before I placed my Order #1000309800, for 5 items of candy, I called Candy Favorites first to confirm that (1) all of the candy is all made in the USA, and that (2) the candy was manufactured by long-established confectioners, either Arnold's or Primrose Candy. My records indicate that the Candy Favorites representative I spoke to, Jaz, lied to me when she told me Candy Favorites are all Made In USA, by reputable confectioners. Only 1 of the 5 items met my requirements: Item #6107, Arnold's Candies Wintergreen Puffs 6 oz. Bag - 6 / Case, $15.55, which is actually from Arnold's Candies, Made in USA, and its re-sealable packaging & good candy flavor show that the Wintergreen Puffs are made by reputable company. I want to keep item #6107. PLEASE SEE BOTTOM OF PAGE FOR REST OF TEXT.

The other 4 items were completely unacceptable, as follows:

Note: McKeesport Candy Co. is a bulk candy handling company which Candy Favorites probably uses to hide the fact that they are selling candy made in China or somewhere else that is substandard. McKeesport Candy Co.'s candy tastes substandard, it is inedible.

Item #1975, Mylar Wrapped Fruit Flashers - 5 lb. $28.57

It is sourced from bulk candy handler McKeesport Candy Co. = tastes terrible, chemical-favor

Item #9312 - Filled Red Raspberry, 5# $26.75

Jaz told me that it is Primrose Candy brand, but it is sourced from McKeesport Candy Co. = taste is not good, candy is dusty with broken crumbs.

Item #1465 - Old Fashion Christmas Candy Mix - 5 lb. $22.47

Jaz told me that it is Primrose Candy brand, but it is sourced from McKeesport Candy Co. = but taste is not good, candy is dusty with broken crumbs.

Item #45064 Peppermint Puffs 4 oz. Peg Bags - 6 / Box, $10.91

Jaz told me that it is Arnold's Candy brand, but it is sourced from McKeesport Candy Co. = this low-grade candy nothing like Arnold's.

I have packed up this terrible tasting "candy" and will ship it back to Candy Favorites as soon as Candy Favorites emails me a return mailing label. I have placed this purchase on 11-18-20 for $104.25, into dispute with my Chase VISA #3370 pending resolution of this matter. I am disputing $88.70 of this order.

11-20-20 all five items received

Candy Favorites PACKLIST 5 items arrived 11-20-20.jpg

11-17-20 called Candy Favorites 412-678-8851 Spoke to Jaz.

RE I have cart online from Candy Favorites, but I cannot find option to pay with my VISA-select CHECKOUT

$104.25 = free shipping

Jaz said I got "rush processing" for being a new customer. Everyone is "rush" processing now=harsh.

(1) Item #1975, Mylar Wrapped Fruit Flashers - 5 lb. $28.57

Fruit Flashers are hard candy with fruity flavor! Not only are they delicious, but the colorful mylar wrappers add pizzazz to candy jars and dishes!

(They have fruit-flavored fillings)

McKeesport Candy Co. = taste terrible, chemical-favor . Twist-tied bag.

(1) Item #9312 - Filled Red Raspberry, 5# $26.75

Is Primrose Candy made in America? Yes, its made in Chicago. LIAR, it is distributed by McKeesport Candy Co. and made by who-knows-who = Candy arrived congealed in a solid lump. Twist-tied bag.

(1) Item #1465 - Old Fashion Christmas Candy Mix - 5 lb. $22.47

chocolate filled straws and the filled Christmas candy-We can't guarantee the exact assortment but this does offer all of the old fashioned Christmas Candies that you mentioned! This is a holiday classic and there is rumor that the company may stop making candy after this year!

Is Primrose Candy made in America? Yes, its made in Chicago. LIAR, it is distributed by McKeesport Candy Co. = but taste not good, candy is dusty with broken crumbs. Few filled candies. Twist-tied bag.

1950's nostaglia

(1) Item #45064 Peppermint Puffs 4 oz. Peg Bags - 6 / Box, $10.91

from Arnold's Candies-Made in USA Liar, it is packaged as Candy Favorites. Tastes nothing like Arnold's. Twist-tied bag.

(1) Item #6107, Arnold's Candies Wintergreen Puffs 6 oz. Bag - 6 / Case, $15.55

from Arnold's Candies-Made in USA and this is true and resealable packaging & good candy flavor shows it is made by reputable company.



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