Seven Come Eleven, Then Thirteen
When Lucky Sevens Become A Bad Luck Thirteen
by Annmarie Throckmorton 2022

I cannot picture it clearly. Ironically, I have tasked myself with analyzing that which I do not understand, that for which I have no innate feeling; that being gambling, the taking of chances. In fact, I loath gambling, my mind roils with disgust and fear at the thought of taking chances. I shirk from casting for my lot in life as many others do. I prefer instead to sow and reap in steady, countable rows, working diligently for my unfathomable "seven come eleven" that God inexplicably casts out to me or withholds.
What I can visualize clearly, is that God the Creator has built Chance into Life, without any regard for how I might feel about this gamble. And what I feel is cheated, cheated when my lucky sevens become a bad luck thirteen. Cheated.