Tombstone Epitaph
Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.
What would I like my tombstone to say?
Annmarie Throckmorton, M.A.
This Old Style Social Justice Warrior
Has Laid Down To Eternal Rest,
In A Slightly Better World Than Before She Worked In It.
1949 — 2054 (Age 105)
Mood: All the stores in town recently put out their Halloween gore-and-grimace stuff; and for extra emotional jolts, across the aisle they put a ton of Christmas you-must-be-merry stuff. I will avoid the stores as much as possible until after the new year because people stress too much in the jangled atmosphere that merchants cultivate in this final quarter of the year. There are plenty of pleasant things that I can do at home and online until this weird mega-season passes.

Caption: Tombstone Epitaph
by Annmarie Throckmorton 2019